Why WordPress is the best solution for your website

Why WordPress is the best solution for your website

If you are looking to launch a new website, you will definitely need a powerful management system and a beautiful design. Building these from scratch will cost you a lot of money and time, and will not guarantee the success for your project.

At this moment, the best tool to use is an existing web software that will help you create and manage your website. And this tool is called WordPress – the world’s most popular CMS used by millions of users worldwide. It evolved from a basic publishing tool for bloggers (launched 10 years ago), into a complete content management system used by corporate websites, media publishers, eCommerce giants and millions of website owners. It powers more than 60 million websites worldwide and 22% of all new websites launched in US.

Why it became so popular and why should I use it? The answer to these questions comes from its beginning, evolution process and the philosophy behind it.

Here are some reasons why WordPress is the best choice for your website:


WordPress is an open source software created by hundreds of contributors, and it is completely FREE. You can download it, install it in 5 minutes and set up your site immediately. You only have to pay for web hosting and domain name, but this is a minor spending.

Ease of use

WordPress was intended as a publishing platform for bloggers, that’s why it is so easy to use. It has a great user interface, an intuitive menu, a rich content editor, a lot of content management  features, a lovely Free Writing mode and much more. Its system of categories, tags and posts became the industry’s standard for content exposure.


Its system of themes and plugins gives you practically unlimited possibilities in terms of visual appearance and functionality. You can turn your website into anything you wish. Just use:

Themes – simply install a theme and personalize its look and functionality without altering your content. WordPress offers more than 1,700 free themes, but if you want a site with professional look and feel, you should definitely get some Premium WordPress Themes. TeslaThemes is the best spot to get them!

Plugins – install plugins to add some extra features to your site. There are more than 25,000 plugins available on WordPress. You can extend your site’s features by adding social media widgets, contact forms, analytics, comment management, eCommere features, sitemaps, forums, polls and much more..

Domain of usage

WordPress is no longer meant for bloggers. Currently, it can power any kind of website, starting with a personal blog and ending with a corporate website or a large media publisher. The leading brands like: CNN, Forbes, Reuters, Mashable, TechCrunch, UPS, GM, eBay, Sony and other, rely on and are powered by WordPress platform. You should start too!

SEO friendly

Google loves WordPress and fresh content. It has many built in SEO features and a complete set of options for content publishing. Additionally, you can optimize your website using SEO plugins, that have very extended SEO features like: XML sitemaps, robots.txt, meta titles and descriptions, permalinks, authorship program and much more.

Support and updates

WordPress is a free web software developed and maintained by hundreds of volunteers. It is not guided by commercial or corporate policies, instead it powers a great community of users and developers all over the world. WordPress is in constant development and evolution process, providing new awesome features and updates.

WordPress will represent a significant part of the web in the near future. It is changing the way we build and manage our websites, publish our content and run our businesses. If you intend to run cool website with beautiful appearance and advanced functionality (without advanced knowledge of programming), you should definitely choose WordPress.

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Unpacking the package…
    Installing the theme…
    The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.
    Theme install failed.

    1. Hi,
      Please go to our Support Forum and start a topic with your issue.


    2. Just cause it’s simple doesn’t mean it’s not super helfupl.

  2. WordPress does make it super easy to get started, but it’s but not just about creating a website anymore.

    Before starting to think of the platform you want to use for your website, first think about the objective of it.

    Is it a blog that gets updated with articles? Is it an e-commerce website? is it a website that will host a lot of content?

    Different type requires different treatment and WordPress might not the be the best choice for all sort of websites.

    1. Shiver me timbers, them’s some great inifomatorn.

    2. I think WordPress is the best CMS for beginners but advanced web developers could choose something depending on their project but it is too complicated to start with

  3. Thank You Very Much For The Content you Share With Us

    1. I think WordPress is the best CMS for beginners but advanced web developers could choose something depending on their project but it is too complicated to start with

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