In the works: 3 New Beautiful WordPress Themes

In the works: 3 New Beautiful WordPress Themes

We’re working on another 3 Premium WordPress Themes with modern, stylish, responsive design and lots of great features. Here is a sneak peek of our upcoming WordPress Themes:

Sevenfold – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Sevenfold is a Premium WordPress Theme with modern, elegant, responsive design and tons of options and customization possibilities. It is packed with lots of nice components, the amazing Revolution slider and a brand new drag & drop Form builder.

sevenfold preview

Sportify – Gym/Fitness WordPress Theme

Sportify is a stylish/modern WordPress Theme, specially designed for sports lovers. It has everything you need to represent your sports website in an appealing way, including: beautiful sliders and transition effects, timetable, sport events, our trainers pages, eShop and much more..

sportify preview

Yopta – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Yopta is a Multipurpose WordPress Theme with bold, sharp, unique design and some nice features. It includes a beautiful portfolio with 5 different representations, a stylish image slider, a unique section for team members and much more..

yopta preview

We’re expecting to release Sevenfold and Sportify in the beginning/middle of July, and Yopta in the beginning of August. Keep an eye on TeslaThemes, we will keep you up to date with our progress!

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Looking great guys!

    1. Thanks Ed! Sevenfold will be available soon.

  2. Really Looking forward to Yopta!!

  3. Anxiously awaiting the Yopta!

    1. Thanks guys, Yopta is in development and already in the WP phase.

  4. Hey, just curious as to when the Sportify theme will be ready. It would be perfect for a project I’m working on.

    1. We are planning to have it live next week. Stay tuned

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