Big news: working on 4 brand new WordPress Themes

Big news: working on 4 brand new WordPress Themes

Since revealing the results of our survey, we have been involved a lot in the process of creating new, beautiful WordPress Themes and implementing new features. Currently, we’re going full speed ahead and are happy to announce 4 new WordPress Themes in the works. You will be able to use these lovely themes on your blog, business site, eCommerce site, portfolio, music site, event related project and more.

Here is a preview of our upcoming WordPress Themes:

BizNex – Business WordPress Theme

BizNex is a Multipurpose WordPress Theme with clean, modern design, beautiful transition effects  and a wide range of options to help you easily set up and customize your personal or business website.

biznex preview

Zero – Multipurpose WordPress Theme

Zero is a Multipurpose WordPress Theme with clean, modern, responsive design and a lot of new/awesome features like: sticky header, video background, font icons, scroll animation, stylish sliders and much more.

zero preview

Lovers – Music WordPress Theme

If you’re a music lover you’ll definitely like this theme. It has everything you need to represent your music related site: modern design, music player, albums with playlists, beautiful transition effect and more.

lovers preview

lovers preview2

Zeon – eCommerce WordPress Theme

Zeon is an eCommerce WordPress Theme with bold, modern design and lots of great features, created to power your online store. It is compatible with WooCommerce – the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress.

zeon preview

Keep an eye on TeslaThemes, we will keep you updated with our progress and new releases. Meanwhile, have a look at our current collection of WordPress Themes and get your best matching theme now!

This Post Has 43 Comments

  1. The Zero Theme is wicked! when you planning on launching the new themes?

    1. We don’t agree. It comprises a lot of great features, have a look at the HTML demo, you will probably like it.

      1. Wicked is nice!

        1. Sorry for that, didn’t notice, #inattention 🙂

          1. Classic! I cant wait “ZERO” is getting used on a new site of mine! And the implementation of Fixed Navigation is a major Thumbs up! Also happy that your stating to let us use our own widgets in the footer!

          2. Thanks, Zero is definitely our playground for new features, and we’re working on some new ones.

  2. Zero is looking nice! Please allow us to change colours on all themes to suit our own branding.

    1. Yes Very cool 🙂

      1. Thanks Marcus, appreciate your support.

    2. Thanks Sally, sure we will. It is already possible in Tesla Framework.

  3. biznex is awesome.. waiting for it..

    1. Thanks, it will be released by the end of this month.

  4. Zero is definitely my fav! Can’t wait for this one…please hurry! 🙂

    1. Thanks Denise, we’re doing our best 🙂

  5. Hmmm! I like them all, they each have their strengths for different types of blog!

    But, if I had to choose one… for my personal blog, I’d choose zero. For my Biz blog, BizNex. 🙂

    You are driving me crazy you know. (but in a good way!) LOL I had decided to use Electra for my personal blog & Universe for the Biz. 🙂 Truth is though, I want to get to know all the themes (and have worked with several now on my dev/test server) so I can make good recommendations for clients eventually. 🙂

    Thanks guy’s! These look good. Can’t wait! 😀

    1. Thank you too, we really appreciate your support and suggestions, will continue to create and to improve our products, regards!

  6. When I can buy them? They’re awesome!

    1. 3 of these themes (Lovers, Zeon, BizNex) will be available in the next couple of days.

      1. Yikes – a delay with the ‘Zero’ theme? The others ready to be shipped, but no Zero? Come on, its been a couple of days already – its April 28th here in New Zealand 🙂

        1. 3 new themes (Lovers, Zeon, BizNex) will be released in the next couple of days. Zero is expected to be live until 10th of May, 2014. We will let you know when it’s released 🙂

  7. All themes look great! Sticky Navigation Menu is a great update, good going guys! Hope you add this feature to all your upcoming themes. Its always so nice to use Tesla themes. Cant wait for these to come! Please launch them soon. 🙂

    1. Thanks saloni, we will do our best!

  8. Um, er, whats happened to the time-frame? It seems that we’re now in May, and the themes haven’t been released yet? A couple of issues to deal with ? Hope not, I need them very shortly!

    1. Hi Brendon, we had some minor issues to fix. Now, we’re happy to announce Biznex, preview it here: Tomorrow we’ll release Lovers and on Thursday we’ll launch Zeon. If you’re a subscription member you can already download these themes from your account, regards!

  9. All the new themes you are working on look really good, any update as to when they will be released?

    1. Hi Nick, Biznex is live:, the other 2 themes will be live tomorrow and on Thursday, but you can get them from your account (if you’re a subscription member). Regards!

  10. I am waiting for Zero Theme. when you planning on launching the Zero Themes?

    1. Hi, it is in the works and will be released at the end of May, as we introduced some more new features.

  11. Hi,

    can you give us some infos or an actual state about the Zero Theme? When will it come? What these “some new features” you were talking about?

    Keep us tuned, keep us hungry!


    1. Hi, its release was planned on 22nd of May, but we introduced a lot of new features and are integrating a visual composer, so the release will be delayed a little bit. Hope to have it until the end of the month, will let you know!

      1. Its June…. any update?

        1. Hi, we’re now integrating visual composer into Zero theme (a feature that wasn’t initially planned), so we’ll release it by the end of this week.

  12. Hey Folks,

    Can you tell anything about the status oft Zero? I still miss it.

  13. Hi, What the update on ZERO?

    1. Hi, it will be released on Wednesday: 11th of June, 2014. Regards!

      1. Thanks for the update.

  14. we’re waiting for a new theme.

  15. Sorry TeslaThemes,

    but you are not doing yourself any favors with this information politics.

    For me it is not a problem, if your project exceeds the scheduled timeline if Í know why I am waiting. But if you make any announcement or communicate a release dates: I expect that you to hold them.

    If there any heavy problems and you will delay, I’d prefer it, if you would communicate this clearly and would dispense on naming dates you can’t held.

    I suppose everybody will understand (and accept) this and will give you the time you need as long as you deliver the quality we know and expect from a TeslaTheme.

    But naming a release date and failing these again and again is not a basis for an long lasting partnership.

    So, tell us about the new features and perhaps about the “battles you’re are fighting” – and release it in the quality we love from you at that point of time when it ist ready. If it ist out unexpected it less a problem than beeing not available although it should be released.

    But don’t give me the feeling to be fooled.

    What do you think about this?

  16. Please just be open and honest with us! i am a paying client and i’m not impressed by being told the 11th and on the 12th their is nothing!

    1. Hi, sorry for delay, we just are setting everything up with Visual Composer plugin (we didn’t intend to have it initially, so the release date has been postponed). However, the good news is: Zero will be packed with Revolution Slider and Visual Composer plugin, which are offered for Free (total worth $49).

  17. hi, when you planning on launching the Zero Themes ?

  18. Can’t wait to get the new Zero theme? Is there any new updates on this one? Thanks 🙂

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