2016: The year in review. 5 Things we are proud of.

2016: The year in review. 5 Things we are proud of.

The 2016 is about to end, oh what a great year it was!

Looking back at this year we’ve tried to make it clear for us (and for our customers) what were the most noticeable things that we’ve achieved and had a huge impact on our relation with the clients.

So let’s outline the things that mattered the most in 2016


In 2016 we’ve managed to release 17 new Themes. That’s a huge amount compared to our friends from other noticeable Theme Clubs. We still try to keep to our promise to release up to 2 Themes per month. That’s a real hard keep promise we’ve made! πŸ™‚ Since we now have 64 Themes available and all require constant attention for maintaining them, constantly updating with new features, releasing up to 2 themes per month gets harder and harder. But we still strive to do that. And the numbers speak for themselves.

We are aware that in 2017 will be a challenge to still maintain and update ~80 Themes and also work on new Theme releases. But nothing to worry about, we will adapt to the situation as we always did.


We’ve coverd 4740 support tickets over the entire year. Speccial Thank to our support staff that makes everything possible that any client to remain happy with our Customer Service.

The average reponse time is ~6 hours. I will be honest with you, keeping this average response time constantly at this level is really, really hard. Sometimes we fail, especially over the weekend time and also the time zone difference plays it’s role.

Nontheless, the Client Satisfaction rate was 94.8%, with a 2% drop compared to 2015. Due to releasing New Themes every month, this adds up to handling 64 Themes which is a hell of a workload.


We’ve released our first Plugin. Tesla Login Customizer. Which has been downloaded for 29.330 times as of this moment. Currently having almost 9.000 active installs.
The plugin is perfect to easily customize your WordPress login page in minutes with no coding skills required. Transform the default log-in page into a professional and unique page that blends nicely with your brand or identity.

It offers plenty of free functionality which most similar plugins offer it for significant amount of $. Why we decided to give away for free? That was our way of thanking the WordPress community, and everyone involved in developing this echo system, for the wonderful opportunities they opened for everyone who supports their business and family working with WordPress.


In 2016 another 5.704 friends joined our Theme Club and got access to our goodies. Bringing us to 21.926 happy customers all time.

The majority of our customers come from:

  1. USA: 20.57%
  2. UK: 18.43%
  3. Germany: 12.87%
  4. Canada: 10.12%
  5. Spain: 9.90%
  6. Others: 28.11%

More than 19.000 people follow us on our Social media Accounts.


We’ve released a new project this summer which we have a lot of faith in. This is wpmatic.io. In short is the go to place whenever you have any WordPress related issues. Releasing this project came out of the demand from our clients not only for Premium Themes but also help them with the maintaining process or doing all sort of customizations to fit their specific needs for the website they had in mind.

After analyzing the opportunity we’ve decided to launch it as a stand alone project working under TeslaTheme’s umbrella.

Important is to mention the fact that WPMatic supports, assists and customize any WordPress Theme, from any provider, not only TeslaThemes.


See all the crazy pictures from the ball here

We’ve made it to our first WordCamp which was a really awesome event where we got to meet a lot of people we’ve been in touch prior to that but never had the opportunity to meet them face to face. To mention a few: Jean from WPMayor, Kevin Muldon from Rise Forums, Charlie from aThemes.

We’ve got to know other Theme Clubs owners like Ionut from Themeisle who together with his team (Sabina, Adelina, Andrei, Alexandra) were volunteering at the event, Ana from Anariel Designs, Michael from MHThemes, Ivailo from SiteGround, Imran from WPEngine, Nevena from ManageWP and many others. The list can go on and on.

This WordCamp once again reassured us how great of a community the WordPress family is. We will definitely attend more of them in the near future.

That’s about all we’ve been wanting to say to you. There are more things for sure to be mentioned but they are more of the back-end sort of type. The process behind TeslaThemes, struggles we have etc. but for that we will have to do a separate article which might end up being a really long one.

Our Resolution for 2017

2017 is definitely going to be a huge year for us (not as though 2016 wasn’t one).

  • Will continue keeping up our promise made to our clients and we will release up to 2 Themes per month.
  • Will continue having the same amount of awesome support provided to our clients. We want them to stay assured that we are here to help them no matter what.
  • Releasing 10+ free plugins which will extend the functionality of our themes, thus, our clients will not be forced to search for solutions outside TeslaThemes. Of course we can not release all the types of plugins someone needs, but at least the most demanded ones.
  • Extend Tesla Framework
  • Doing Webinars to help new users better and faster understand how things work inside their Dashboards.
  • See you all in Paris in June, at WordCamp Europe 2017



Big up Marcel & the Team!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Hey guys, thanks for mentioning us and it was a pleasure meeting you at WordCamp Europe in Vienna. It’s awesome to read what you’ve achieved in 2016 and releasing two themes per month or 17 themes in 2016 is huge! I can imagine that it requires lots of resources to support and maintain that stuff. That would be a good topic to chat about next time we meet. πŸ™‚

  2. Congratulations on a good year. Awesome achievements!

    I like that you continue to release new themes, but personally more plugins and extending the framework are more important. Perhaps 2017 would be a good time for a customer survey?

    Good luck in 2017. Hope you continue to grow and prosper.

    1. HI David,

      Thanks for your feedback! Surveys are always good! Will do one for sure.


  3. Congrats.. I wish you even better 2017
    From your 2017 plans:
    1. I like this: Extend Tesla Framework (this one is very important ).
    2. I don’t like this: Will continue keeping up our promise made to our clients and we will release up to 2 Themes per month. Totally disagree with this.. just keep up to date and improve existing themes and add maybe 2-3 but not more than 5 themes per year.

    1. Hi there,

      Thanks for your feedback! I want to assure you that improving our old Themes is also a priority for us.


  4. HI Michael,

    That could be a topic do discuss for sure! Hope you had a great NY eve! See you soon (WCEU) πŸ™‚


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